Registered as 10652172 8 years ago, 0800 Handyman Retail Limited had been a private limited company until July 14, 2020 - the date it was dissolved. The business official office address was 5 Mercia Business Village, Torwood Close Coventry. Up till now 0800 Handyman Retail Limited switched the registered name three times. Up till November 12, 2018 it used the business name Home Improvement Professionals. Then it adapted the business name 0800 Handyman Retail which was used until November 12, 2018 then the current name was adopted.
The limited company was administered by one director: Steven Z., who was designated to this position 8 years ago.
The companies that controlled this firm included: The Zockoll Group Limited owned over 3/4 of company shares. This business could have been reached in London at Upper Richmond Road West, SW14 8AG and was registered as a PSC under the registration number 00907055.