This company known as 0800 Services was established on 2017-03-21 as a private limited company. This company headquarters was based in Newcastle Upon Tyne on Akenside Studios, 3 Akenside Hill. The address zip code is NE1 3UF. The company registration number for 0800 Services Limited was 10681297. 0800 Services Limited had been in business for six years until 2023-03-07. It has a history in name change. In the past, it had two different names. Up till 2019 it was prospering as 0800 Marketing and before that its registered company name was 0800 Marketing.
This company had one managing director: Stephen V. who was caring of it for six years.
Stephen V. was the individual with significant control over this firm, owned over 3/4 of company shares and had 3/4 to full of voting rights.