Silverworld (mcr) Ltd can be found at Salford at 1st Floor Cloister House. You can find the company by referencing its area code - M3 5FS. This firm has been in business on the UK market for 13 years. This enterprise is registered under the number 07682076 and their last known state is active. Even though lately it's been known as Silverworld (mcr) Ltd, it previously was known under a different name. The firm was known under the name Silverworld until 2018-07-03, when the name was changed to 07682076. The final change came on 2018-08-08. The company's SIC code is 99999 which stands for Dormant Company. Its latest annual accounts cover the period up to June 30, 2022 and the most recent annual confirmation statement was submitted on June 24, 2023.
Currently, we can name only one managing director in the company: Samuel H. (since 2011-07-01). For almost one year Yomtov J., had been supervising the following business up to the moment of the resignation 13 years ago.