Located in Fairhaven House Fontley Road, Fareham PO15 6QZ Havelock Property Developments Uk Ltd was classified as a Private Limited Company and issued a 06854008 Companies House Reg No. It was established on 2009/03/20. Havelock Property Developments Uk Ltd had been on the British market for 7 years. It has a history in registered name change. In the past, the firm had two different names. Up to 2015 the firm was run under the name of 06854008 and before that its official company name was Havelock Developments Uk.
Within this particular limited company, a variety of director's assignments up till now have been done by Guy H. and Suzanne B.. When it comes to these two executives, Suzanne B. had managed the limited company for the longest period of time, having become a member of officers' team 15 years ago.