This enterprise referred to as Jaco Projects was founded on 2008-02-21 as a private limited company. This enterprise registered office was located in Manchester on C/o The Chartwell Partnership Ltd 47 Bury New Road, Prestwich. The address post code is M25 9JY. The office registration number for Jaco Projects Ltd was 06510961. Jaco Projects Ltd had been active for thirteen years up until 2021-01-19. This company has a history in name changing. Previously it had two other names. Up to 2017 it was run as 06510961 and up to that point the official company name was Jaco Projects.
Maria S. was the firm's managing director, chosen to lead the company in 2008.
Maria S. was the individual who had control over this firm, owned over 3/4 of company shares and had 3/4 to full of voting rights.