The firm is situated in Harley Street under the ID 06326644. The firm was established in 2007. The headquarters of this firm is located at 31 Welbeck Street London. The postal code for this location is W1G 8ET. It has operated under three previous names. Its initial official name, Grantham Properties, was switched on Mon, 6th Jun 2016 to 06326644 Unlimited. The current name, used since 2016, is 06326644.
Concerning the following business, the full range of director's tasks have so far been fulfilled by Jeffrey C. who was assigned this position in 2007. What is more, the director's tasks are assisted with by a secretary - Ann H., who was officially appointed by this specific business in August 2007. At least one secretary in this firm is a limited company: C & P Secretaries Limited.