This firm was registered in London registered with number: 06312842. The company was started in 2007. The headquarters of the company was situated at 185a Park Road Hornsey. The area code is N8 8JJ. The firm was formally closed on Tuesday 5th March 2019, which means it had been in business for twelve years. This company has been on the market under three names. The first listed name, Think Fashion, was switched on Monday 30th July 2007 to The Sports Club. The current name, in use since 2017, is 06312842 Limited.
The limited company was administered by an individual director: Stephen Y. who was in charge of it for eight years.
The companies that controlled this firm were: Sports Club (Uk) Ltd owned over 3/4 of company shares and had 3/4 to full of voting rights. This business could have been reached in London at Kings Avenue, Winchmore Hill, N21 3NA and was registered as a PSC under the registration number 05814469.