Astra Reinvest Ltd is officially located at London at 72 Great Suffolk Street. You can find this business by its post code - SE1 0BL. This enterprise has been in business on the English market for 17 years. This company is registered under the number 06134674 and its current status is active. It has been already eight years from the moment This company's business name is Astra Reinvest Ltd, but up till 2016 the name was 06134674 and before that, until 2016-04-07 the business was known under the name Astra Invest. This means it has used three different names. The company's declared SIC number is 64191 which stands for Banks. 2022-03-31 is the last time account status updates were filed.
In this specific company, the full scope of director's responsibilities have so far been executed by Karel S. who was arranged to perform management duties on 2007-03-02. Since 2010-09-01 Dana S., had fulfilled assigned duties for this company up to the moment of the resignation 8 years ago. Furthermore another director, specifically Zdenek K. resigned in 2016. At least one secretary in this firm is a limited company: Pela Professional Services.