05696892 Limited could be reached at 24 Bewsey Street, in St Helens. The area code is WA10 3EG. 05696892 has been on the British market since the firm was established on 2006-02-03. The registration number is 05696892. This company's SIC code is 7415 and their NACE code stands for Holding Companies including Head Offices. 05696892 Ltd reported its account information for the financial year up to Thu, 31st Dec 2009. The most recent annual return information was submitted on Thu, 3rd Feb 2011.
The information we have detailing the following enterprise's management shows that there are two directors: Michael A. and Christopher E. who became a part of the team on 2006-07-20 and 2006-02-03. Additionally, the director's efforts are constantly supported by a secretary - Christopher E., who was selected by the limited company on 2006-07-20.