05477222 is a registration number assigned to 05477222 Limited. This company was registered as a Private Limited Company on 2005/06/10. This company has been actively competing on the British market for the last 20 years. The enterprise can be found at The Pines Boars Head in Crowborough. The area code assigned is TN6 3HD. This company has been on the market under three previous names. The company's first registered name, Smart Tv Producers, was changed on 2005/07/26 to Raw Productions Uk. The current name, used since 2015, is 05477222 Limited. This business's declared SIC number is 9211 and their NACE code stands for Motion picture and video production. 05477222 Ltd reported its account information for the period up to 2007/03/31. The firm's most recent annual return was filed on 2007/06/10.
As the data suggests, the following limited company was built in 2005/06/10 and has been governed by three directors, and out of them two (Jessica A. and Blake P.) are still functioning. Moreover, the director's assignments are regularly helped with by a secretary - Denis L., who was chosen by the limited company in June 2005.