Registered at House Farm Office, Brentwood CM15 0SG Hawthorn Developments Ramsgate Ltd was classified as a Private Limited Company with 05013535 registration number. This company was established on Tue, 13th Jan 2004. Hawthorn Developments Ramsgate Ltd had been prospering on the British market for fourteen years. This firm has a history in registered name changes. Up till now it had two other names. Up to 2017 it was prospering as 05013535 and up to that point the official company name was Hawthorn Developments (UK).
Christine P., Carol P. and Geraldine B. were the company's directors and were managing the company for ten years.
Executives who controlled this firm include: Geraldine B. owned 1/2 or less of company shares. Carol P. owned 1/2 or less of company shares. Christine P. owned 1/2 or less of company shares.