Started with Reg No. 04161760 24 years ago, 04161760 Limited is categorised as a Private Limited Company. The business latest registration address is 1 Bridgewater Place, Water Lane Leeds. The firm has a history in business name changes. In the past, this firm had two other names. Up till 2014 this firm was prospering under the name of Webb Group and before that the company name was Broomco (2487). This company's declared SIC number is 7415 meaning Holding Companies including Head Offices. The business latest accounts cover the period up to Fri, 2nd Apr 2010 and the latest annual return information was submitted on Mon, 7th Feb 2011.
According to the latest data, this limited company is controlled by a solitary director: Joseph M., who was appointed in November 2010. The following limited company had been directed by Charles C. until 15 years ago. Furthermore a different director, namely Keith C. resigned on 2010-04-01. At least one secretary in this firm is a limited company, specifically A G Secretarial Limited.