Connor Close is a firm situated at E11 1BP London at 1 Connor Close. This company has been in existence since 2000 and is established under the registration number 04073335. This company has been on the British market for 24 years now and company status at the time is active. It has been already nine years since The company's business name is Connor Close Ltd., but till 2015 the name was 04073335 and up to that point, up till 2014-12-16 the company was known as Hartford Properties. It means this company used three different company names. The company's principal business activity number is 98000: Residents property management. Connor Close Limited. reported its latest accounts for the financial year up to Friday 30th September 2022. Its most recent annual confirmation statement was submitted on Monday 18th September 2023.
Presently, this limited company has one managing director: Louise H., who was chosen to lead the company 4 years ago. The limited company had been directed by Caroline T. up until 2020-10-30. As a follow-up a different director, namely Michael K. quit on 2015-12-09.