This business referred to as 03237485 was established on 1996-08-08 as a Private Limited Company. This enterprise's headquarters can be reached at Leeds city centre on St Jamess House, 28 Park Place Leeds. If you need to get in touch with the firm by mail, its area code is LS1 2SP. The official registration number for 03237485 Limited is 03237485. 03237485 Limited was listed 10 years from now under the name of Ratcliff (UK). This enterprise's SIC code is 3663 meaning Other manufacturing. 03237485 Ltd reported its latest accounts for the financial period up to Thu, 30th Sep 1999. The firm's most recent annual return information was released on Tue, 8th Aug 2000.
The firm owes its accomplishments and constant progress to exactly three directors, specifically Anthony V., Charles R. and Paul H., who have been running it since 1996.