2018 is the year of the beginning of 03180318 Limited, the company registered at 2 Windermere Avenue, in Purfleet. This means it's been six years 03180318 has been on the local market, as the company was registered on 2018-03-19. The firm registered no. is 11263290 and its area code is RM19 1QZ. The company's SIC and NACE codes are 64306 and has the NACE code: Activities of real estate investment trusts. 03180318 Ltd filed its account information for the period that ended on 2023-03-31. The firm's latest annual confirmation statement was filed on 2023-03-18.
We have 1 director presently overseeing the company, namely Oyeyinka O. who's been executing the director's tasks for six years. To find professional help with legal documentation, the abovementioned company has been utilizing the skills of Oyeyinka O. as a secretary since 2018.
Oyeyinka O. is the individual who controls this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.