02584243 Limited with the registration number 02584243 has been a part of the business world for thirty four years. This particular Private Limited Company is located at Bedford Street South, Leicester in Leicester and company's zip code is LE1 3JP. The company is known as 02584243 Limited. It should be noted that this company also was listed as Art Pattern until it was replaced 10 years from now. This enterprise's principal business activity number is 2875 which stands for Manufacture other fabricated metal products. The company's most recent filed accounts documents cover the period up to 2000/03/31 and the latest annual return was released on 2001/02/21.
The info we gathered about the firm's executives reveals a leadership of five directors: Karl D., Roy F., Mark L. and 2 other directors who might be found below who became members of the Management Board on 1994-01-13, 1991-03-26. In addition, the director's duties are helped with by a secretary - Eric C., who joined this company in 1991.