The business is registered in Blackwater with reg. no. 02376987. This firm was established in 1989. The office of the company is located at Bank Chambers 3 Greenlane. The post code for this place is GU17 9DQ. The current name is 02376987 Limited. This business's previous associates may recognize the firm as Goldstar International, which was in use up till 2018/11/26. This business's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 52219 : Other service activities incidental to land transportation, n.e.c.. 02376987 Ltd reported its account information for the financial year up to Sunday 31st March 1991. Its latest annual return was filed on Tuesday 27th April 1993.
The business owes its well established position on the market and constant growth to a team of two directors, who are Laura N. and Joyce N., who have been supervising the firm. In order to provide support to the directors, this specific business has been utilizing the skills of Laura N. as a secretary.