Registered at 27 Albert Drive, Sheerwater, Surrey GU21 5LA 02311552 Limited is a Private Limited Company with 02311552 registration number. It's been founded thirty seven years ago. The company known today as 02311552 Limited was known as Parmar until 2014-09-26 at which point the business name was replaced. This business's registered with SIC code 7415 which stands for Holding Companies including Head Offices. Its latest annual accounts cover the period up to April 30, 2005 and the most recent annual return was filed on July 27, 2006.
With regards to the business, the full range of director's duties have so far been met by Umeshchandra P. who was assigned to lead the company on 1999-04-16. This business had been managed by Bharat P. till 2003-08-06. In addition another director, namely Jaisri P. resigned in April 1999. In order to provide support to the directors, the abovementioned business has been utilizing the skills of Jaisri P. as a secretary since the appointment on 2003-08-06.