Located in Begbies Traynor, Manchester M3 4LY 02144435 Limited is categorised as a Private Limited Company registered under the 02144435 Companies House Reg No. This company appeared on 1987-07-02. This firm now known as 02144435 Limited, was previously listed as B.m.w. Construction. The transformation has taken place in 2022-09-15. This firm's classified under the NACE and SIC code 4521 and has the NACE code: Gen construction & civil engineer. The company's latest financial reports were submitted for the period up to Thu, 31st May 2007 and the most recent annual return information was submitted on Wed, 31st Dec 2008.
For this particular limited company, the full range of director's tasks have so far been executed by William W. who was appointed in 1995 in January. The following limited company had been controlled by John M. up until 23 years ago. In addition a different director, specifically Ben W. quit on 2009-02-13.