021 Network Limited may be gotten hold of in C/o White Logistics & Storage, Unit A Abbeyview Abbey View Road, Pinvin in Pershore. The company's zip code is WR10 2DS. 021 Network has been present on the British market since the company was set up on 2001/02/16. The company's registered no. is 04161880. From 2002/05/23 021 Network Limited is no longer under the business name Aronwell PLC. This firm's classified under the NACE and SIC code 49410 and their NACE code stands for Freight transport by road. 021 Network Ltd released its latest accounts for the financial year up to 31st December 2022. Its latest annual confirmation statement was released on 31st January 2023.
021 Network Ltd is a medium-sized transport company with the licence number OD1093676. The firm has one transport operating centre in the country. In their subsidiary in Alcester on Adren Forest Industrial Estate, 14 machines are available.
Having three job offers since Tuesday 16th December 2014, 021 Network has been a quite active employer on the labour market. On Thursday 12th October 2017, it was employing job candidates for a full time 7.5 TONNE DRIVERS position in Alcester, and on Tuesday 16th December 2014, for the vacant position of a full time Transport Dispatch Assistant in Alcester. As of yet, they have needed employees for the 7.5 Tonne Driver posts.
The data obtained detailing this particular company's personnel shows the existence of two directors: Phillip R. and Nicholas K. who joined the team on 2024/07/20 and 2023/03/21.