2017 is the year of the founding of 020ldn Ltd, the firm which was located at 7 Barnes Avenue, , Southall. It was established on 2017/03/20. Its Companies House Registration Number was 10679926 and the postal code was UB2 5SA. The company had been operating on the British market for about 2 years until 2019/07/09.
Masood K. was the company's managing director, assigned to lead the company in 2017.
The companies that controlled this firm were as follows: Hkmk Ltd had substantial control or influence over the company owned 1/2 or less of company shares and had 3/4 to full of voting rights. This business could have been reached in Feltham at Market Parade, Hampton Road West, TW13 6AL and was registered as a PSC under the registration number 10482665.