02015685 Limited with reg. no. 02015685 has been in this business field for 38 years. This Private Limited Company is located at 5 Florent Court Regent Street, Pocklington, York and its post code is YO42 2PQ. Started as Roma Caravans, this business used the name up till July 24, 2015, at which point it was replaced by 02015685 Limited. The enterprise's principal business activity number is 5010 which means Sale of motor vehicles. The business latest filed accounts documents were submitted for the period up to 2004-05-31 and the most recent annual return information was released on 2004-03-28.
In order to satisfy its client base, this particular limited company is constantly developed by a team of three directors who are Paul W., Richard W. and John W.. Their constant collaboration has been of great use to this specific limited company since October 1997. In order to help the directors in their tasks, this particular limited company has been utilizing the skills of John W. as a secretary since 2002.