02004846 Limited has been on the market for at least thirty nine years. Registered under the number 02004846 in 1986, it have office at 1 Oxford Court, Manchester M2 3RW. Launched as Northern N.d.t. Services, this business used the name up till 2014-09-18, at which point it got changed to 02004846 Limited. This firm's SIC and NACE codes are 7499, that means Non-trading company. 02004846 Ltd released its latest accounts for the period that ended on 2001-12-31. The latest annual return information was filed on 2003-08-15.
There is a single managing director at the current moment supervising this specific firm, namely Christopher G. who has been doing the director's tasks since 1986-03-27. The following firm had been governed by Alan H. until February 2022. What is more a different director, namely William P. resigned in March 2003.