This firm is situated in Maidenhead with reg. no. 04078492. The firm was registered in the year 2000. The main office of the company is located at 20 Radcot Close Radcot Close. The postal code for this address is SL6 7UJ. The firm present name is 020 Limited. This enterprise's previous clients may remember the firm as Twickenham Tea Company, which was used up till 2002-03-14. This enterprise's classified under the NACE and SIC code 58190 meaning Other publishing activities. Wed, 30th Sep 2020 is the last time account status updates were reported.
James G. is the company's single director, that was appointed six years ago. This limited company had been overseen by Rebecca G. up until six years ago. Furthermore a different director, specifically Caroline G. gave up the position in November 2016.
James G. is the individual who has control over this firm, owns 1/2 or less of company shares and has 1/2 or less of voting rights.