01679183 - registration number of 01679183 Limited. This firm was registered as a Private Limited Company on 1982-11-17. This firm has been actively competing on the British market for the last fourty two years. The enterprise can be reached at 1 Warner House Harrovian Business Village in Bessborough Road. It's post code assigned is HA1 3EX. Despite the fact, that lately it's been referred to as 01679183 Limited, it previously was known under a different name. This firm was known under the name Penmaur Properties until 2001-12-11, when the company name got changed to Franklin Maintenance Services. The final switch took place on 2004-12-11. The enterprise's SIC code is 41201 - Construction of commercial buildings. Wed, 30th Nov 2022 is the last time when the accounts were filed.
Concerning this company, a variety of director's duties have so far been performed by Maureen F. who was assigned this position in 2017 in November. For 16 years Terry F., had been fulfilling assigned duties for the company up to the moment of the resignation on 2017-11-06. Additionally a different director, namely Peter H. resigned in November 2017. To find professional help with legal documentation, the company has been utilizing the expertise of Maureen F. as a secretary since the appointment on 1991-06-28.