1982 marks the beginning of 01611733 Limited, a company located at Heathcote House, 136 Hagley Road, Edgbaston. That would make fourty three years 01611733 has existed in the business, as the company was started on 1982/02/05. Its Companies House Reg No. is 01611733 and the company postal code is B16 9PN. The registered name of the company was changed in 2020 to 01611733 Limited. The company former registered name was Joseph Taylor Associates. The firm's SIC code is 7499 which stands for Non-trading company. 1995-03-31 is the last time company accounts were filed.
As found in this specific firm's directors directory, there have been two directors: Nathan J. and Lewis T.. Additionally, the managing director's tasks are aided with by a secretary - Lewis T..