1975 is the date that marks the beginning of 01230630 Limited, the company located at Mill House, Redbrook Mill, Redbrook Road, Barnsley. This means it's been fifty years 01230630 has existed in the United Kingdom, as the company was founded on 1975-10-21. The registered no. is 01230630 and its postal code is S75 2RE. The name is 01230630 Limited. The enterprise's previous customers may know this company as R.j. Masters, which was used up till 2023-01-25. The enterprise's classified under the NACE and SIC code 7487 and their NACE code stands for Other business activities. The most recent filed accounts documents provide detailed information about the period up to 2007-10-31 and the latest annual return was filed on 2007-06-25.
As for the firm, the full range of director's responsibilities have so far been carried out by Robin M..June M. had performed the duties for the firm till the resignation thirty three years ago. Furthermore another director, specifically Barry F. quit in 1996. Furthermore, the director's duties are often aided with by a secretary - Louise M., who was selected by the firm in May 1996.