This firm named 01216958 Dc was established on 23rd June 1975 as a private limited company. This firm head office was located in Bedfordshire on Units 1-3 Old Oak Close, Arlesey. This place post code is SG15 6XD. The registration number for 01216958 Dc Limited was 01216958. 01216958 Dc Limited had been in business for fourty years until 7th April 2015. This company has been on the market under three previous names. The initial official name, Lvm, was changed on 12th May 2006 to Dc-tek. The current name is in use since 2014, is 01216958 Dc Limited.
When it comes to this particular firm, a number of director's duties up till now have been met by Brian R., Helen T. and Graham H.. As for these three managers, Brian R. had managed the firm the longest, having become a member of directors' team 32 years ago.