Situated at 40 Knowsley Road, London SW11 5BL Fm Ramsay Properties Limited is categorised as a Private Limited Company with 01216715 Companies House Reg No. The firm was set up fourty nine years ago. Even though currently it is referred to as Fm Ramsay Properties Limited, it previously was known under a different name. The firm was known as F.m.r. Properties until Tuesday 12th June 2018, then the name was changed to 01216715. The final change took place on Thursday 5th July 2018. This firm's declared SIC number is 68100: Buying and selling of own real estate. Fm Ramsay Properties Ltd released its latest accounts for the period that ended on 31st March 2022. The business latest annual confirmation statement was released on 12th September 2023.
As the information gathered suggests, the business was started in 1975 and has so far been managed by five directors, and out of them two (Mark N. and Katharine N.) are still participating in the company's duties. Moreover, the director's efforts are constantly helped with by a secretary - Katharine N., who joined the business on Tuesday 25th May 1999.