1974 signifies the start of 01189835 Limited, the firm which is situated at 2 Hardman Street, Manchester, Large user and PO Box. This means it's been fifty one years 01189835 has existed on the market, as the company was established on 1974-11-07. Its registration number is 01189835 and the zip code is M60 2AT. In the past, 01189835 Limited changed the company name three times. Until 2018-05-21 it used the registered name S & D Realisations. After that it used the registered name Shawcross & Dickinson that was in use up till 2018-05-21 then the final name was accepted. This company's principal business activity number is 2123 : Manufacture of paper stationery. 01189835 Ltd filed its account information for the financial year up to 28th February 2006. The latest annual return information was filed on 31st July 2007.
The information we have about this particular firm's executives suggests there are three directors: Davina S., Gerard S. and Leslie W.. To help the directors in their tasks, the abovementioned limited company has been utilizing the skillset of Davina S. as a secretary.