2012 signifies the beginning of 00e53 Limited, a company located at Unit D East Fulton Farm, Darluith Rd, Paisley. This means it's been 12 years 00e53 has existed in the business, as it was created on Tue, 2nd Oct 2012. The firm Companies House Reg No. is SC433894 and the company area code is PA3 3TP. It 's been eleven years that The firm's registered name is 00e53 Limited, but up till 2013 the business name was Maclean & Speirs Blasting (south) and up to that point, until Thu, 14th Mar 2013 the business was known as George Hammersley. It means this company used three different names. This company's SIC code is 43390 and has the NACE code: Other building completion and finishing. 00e53 Ltd released its latest accounts for the period that ended on October 31, 2022. The firm's latest annual confirmation statement was submitted on July 20, 2023.
At present, there seems to be a solitary director in the company: Kevin M. (since Fri, 1st Mar 2013). Since Tue, 2nd Oct 2012 Kenneth S., had been functioning as a director for the firm until the resignation on Fri, 15th Mar 2013.