00973918 Limited could be found at 10 Orange Street, in London. The firm post code is WC2H 7WR. 00973918 has been operating in this business for 54 years. The firm registration number is 00973918. The company currently known as 00973918 Limited was known under the name Sharkey & up till 2023-08-08 when the name was changed. This firm's declared SIC number is 4522 and has the NACE code: Erection of roof covering & frames. 2010-03-31 is the last time when the accounts were filed.
There is a number of three directors leading the following company at the current moment, specifically Patrick S., Ellen S. and Kevin S. who have been performing the directors responsibilities since 2008. Moreover, the director's assignments are helped with by a secretary - Kevin S., who joined this specific company on 2005-06-24.