Located in No 1 Colmore Square, Birmingham City Centre B4 6HQ 00848288 Limited is classified as a Private Limited Company issued a 00848288 registration number. This company was established 59 years ago. This company has been on the market under three previous names. The very first name, Thermic Designs, was switched on 1999-11-05 to Flare Industries. The current name is used since 2015, is 00848288 Limited. This business's registered with SIC code 4533 and has the NACE code: Plumbing. 1998-12-31 is the last time the company accounts were filed.
According to the information we have, this specific company was founded in 1965 and has so far been overseen by thirteen directors, and out of them two (Gary P. and Stephen B.) are still in the management. What is more, the director's responsibilities are often assisted with by a secretary - Ian H., who was selected by this specific company in January 2000.