1964 marks the start of 00825409 Limited, the firm registered at Morton Peto Road, Harfreys Industrial Estate in Great Yarmouth. This means it's been 60 years 00825409 has been in the UK, as it was founded on 1964-10-30. The company's Companies House Reg No. is 00825409 and the company postal code is NR31 0LT. The firm's registered with SIC code 6110 and has the NACE code: Sea and coastal water transport. 00825409 Ltd filed its account information for the period up to 31st March 1994. The firm's latest annual return was released on 2nd May 1995.
When it comes to the following business, a number of director's duties have so far been fulfilled by Ken T., Richard C., Stephen D. and William O.. Amongst these four people, William O. has managed business the longest, having become a member of company's Management Board on 1994. To support the directors in their duties, the business has been using the skills of Cliffe L. as a secretary for the last twenty nine years.