00717814 Limited can be contacted at Priory St Dudley at C/o Castle & Co. You can find this business by referencing its postal code - DY1 1HD. This enterprise has been in business on the UK market for sixty two years. The enterprise is registered under the number 00717814 and company's official state is active. This company known today as 00717814 Limited, was previously known under the name of Pembro. The change has taken place in Friday 3rd March 2017. This enterprise's registered with SIC code 2722 which stands for Manufacture of steel tubes. 00717814 Ltd filed its latest accounts for the financial period up to 1992-03-31. The company's most recent annual return information was released on 1992-12-31.
The data obtained related to this particular firm's management indicates that there are two directors: Peter M. and Maureen M.. In addition, the director's assignments are regularly supported by a secretary - Maureen M..