00604167 Limited is categorised as Private Limited Company, registered in Burley House, 12 Clarendon Road,leeds in West Yorkshire. The headquarters' postal code is LS2 9NF. This firm has been registered in year 1958. The Companies House Reg No. is 00604167. It 's been 8 years that 00604167 Limited is no longer identified under the name Marshall & Craven. This company's principal business activity number is 4533 meaning Plumbing. 00604167 Ltd filed its latest accounts for the period that ended on 1996-03-31. The most recent annual return information was released on 1997-12-11.
This limited company owes its success and unending growth to a team of three directors, specifically Hedley P., Philip D. and Harry L., who have been managing it. In order to help the directors in their tasks, this specific limited company has been utilizing the skills of Hedley P. as a secretary.