00581048 Limited can be reached at Surrey at 73 Shirley Avenue. Anyone can look up this business by referencing its postal code - RH1 5AH. The company has been operating on the British market for 67 years. This enterprise is registered under the number 00581048 and company's last known status is active. The firm switched its business name already two times. Until 2016 the company has delivered its services as 07882818 but now the company operates under the name 00581048 Limited. The enterprise's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 2754, that means Casting of other non-ferrous metals. 00581048 Ltd filed its latest accounts for the period that ended on 2004/01/31. Its latest annual return was filed on 2004/07/22.
In order to meet the requirements of its clients, this specific company is continually developed by a body of two directors who are Gerard C. and John N.. Their joint efforts have been of extreme use to this specific company since 1993. In order to find professional help with legal documentation, this specific company has been using the skills of Gerard C. as a secretary since November 2000.