The enterprise operates under the name of 00559358 Limited. This company was established seventy years ago and was registered under 00559358 as its registration number. This particular head office of this company is located in Ellesmere Port South Wirral. You can reach it at C/o Greif Uk Ltd, Merseyside Works Oilsites Road. 7 years from now the firm changed its registered name from Metal Containers to 00559358 Limited. This company's SIC and NACE codes are 3663, that means Other manufacturing. 00559358 Ltd filed its account information for the period that ended on 31st October 2003. Its latest annual return information was released on 8th September 2004.
Our info that details this specific enterprise's personnel indicates that there are two directors: David T. and Francis H. who joined the company's Management Board on 2005-02-28.