00535990 Ltd can be reached at Norwich at Woodland Place. Anyone can look up the company using the area code - NR7 9BB. The firm has been operating on the English market for 70 years. This firm is registered under the number 00535990 and its last known status is active. The business name of the company was changed in the year 2017 to 00535990 Ltd. This firm previous registered name was John Sadd & Sons. This firm's SIC and NACE codes are 4542 and their NACE code stands for Joinery installation. 00535990 Limited reported its account information for the period up to 1994-03-31. Its latest annual return was submitted on 1993-10-03.
The data we obtained that details this specific firm's executives indicates the existence of nine directors: Nicholas D., Richard L., David R. and 6 other members of the Management Board who might be found within the Company Staff section of this page. Additionally, the director's assignments are often assisted with by a secretary - Mark W..