1948 signifies the launching of 00451454 Limited, a firm that was situated at C/o Sochall Smith Ltd, 3 Park Square, Leeds. The company was registered on 1948-03-25. The firm Companies House Registration Number was 00451454 and its post code was LS1 2NE. The firm had existed on the market for about seventy four years up until 2022-02-01. The firm has been on the market under three previous names. The company's first listed name, Armitage & Rhodes PLC, was changed on 1997-03-18 to Greatcoat. The current name is in use since 2014, is 00451454 Limited.
This limited company had an individual director: Martin J. who was managing it from 1997-02-21 to dissolution date on 2022-02-01.