1942 is the date that marks the founding of 00373157 Limited, the firm which was located at Ernst & Young Po Box 61, Cloth Hall Court 14 King Street, Leeds. The company was created on 1942-04-02. The reg. no. was 00373157 and the company postal code was LS1 2JN. The firm had been operating on the market for 79 years until 2021-03-30. The firm has a history in name changing. Up till now it had two different company names. Up to 2005 it was prospering under the name of Pimpernel International and up to that point its official company name was Celluware.
In this particular firm, all of director's responsibilities have so far been carried out by Julian N. and Iain P.. Amongst these two people, Iain P. had managed the firm for the longest period of time, having been one of the many members of officers' team for eighteen years.