Based in 17 Bowens Hill Road, Coleford GL16 8DU .001sport Ltd is categorised as a Private Limited Company registered under the 10166908 Companies House Reg No. This firm was started on Fri, 6th May 2016. This company has a history in name changing. Up till now the firm had two different company names. Up to 2018 the firm was prospering as Rallye Du Velo and up to that point its registered company name was 001sport. The enterprise's classified under the NACE and SIC code 93199 - Other sports activities. May 31, 2022 is the last time when the company accounts were reported.
At present, this particular business is directed by 1 director: Gary W., who was arranged to perform management duties 8 years ago. The business had been governed by Liam W. until seven years ago.
Gary W. is the individual with significant control over this firm, owns 1/2 or less of company shares.