The exact moment this company was registered is 1924-07-30. Started under company registration number 00199624, the firm is considered a Private Limited Company. You can reach the office of this company during business times at the following location: C/o Avf Group Ltd Dixon Street, WV2 2BX Wolverhampton. The company has been on the market under three different names. Its first name, Ceandess, was changed on 1999-09-23 to Avfe. The current name is in use since 2018, is 00199624 Limited. This company's SIC code is 7499 meaning Non-trading company. The company's latest annual accounts describe the period up to 2001-07-31 and the most recent annual return information was released on 2002-05-07.
Christopher K. and David G. are the enterprise's directors and have been cooperating as the Management Board. To support the directors in their duties, the abovementioned business has been utilizing the expertise of David G. as a secretary since June 1995.