00148212 Limited can be reached at P.o.box 17, Sim-chem House,, Warren Road, in Cheadle Hulme,. The zip code is SK8 5BR. 00148212 has been in this business since the firm was registered on 1917-08-13. The reg. no. is 00148212. Established as Sim-chem, this firm used the business name up till 2018, the year it was replaced by 00148212 Limited. This company's SIC code is 7499 which stands for Non-trading company. 1999-12-31 is the last time the accounts were reported.
The info we posses detailing this particular company's executives shows us there are six directors: David J., Brian W., Wilfred J. and 3 others listed below who were appointed to their positions on 1998-03-02, 1995-01-09. To support the directors in their duties, this particular business has been utilizing the expertise of David J. as a secretary since the appointment on 1999-02-16.