Located at C/o Pricewaterhousecoopers, Leeds LS1 2SN 00090909 Limited is a Private Limited Company with 00090909 registration number. This company was launched 119 years ago. The company is recognized under the name of 00090909 Limited. It should be noted that this company also operated as B C Realisations until the company name was replaced 4 years ago. This firm's principal business activity number is 4544 and their NACE code stands for Painting and glazing. The firm's latest annual accounts describe the period up to 1994-06-30 and the latest annual return was released on 1995-10-07.
When it comes to this particular limited company, the majority of director's tasks up till now have been executed by Pamela P., Stephen L., David P. and Ronald W.. To support the directors in their duties, this particular limited company has been utilizing the skillset of Pamela P. as a secretary.