Registered as 04817966 21 years ago, 0-two Maintenance Limited is categorised as a Private Limited Company. Its latest registration address is Union House, 182 -194 Union Street London. The firm's SIC code is 82990 which means Other business support service activities not elsewhere classified. 2022-03-31 is the last time when the accounts were reported.
With two job offers since 2016-10-11, the firm has been relatively active on the job market. On 2016-11-03, it was looking for new employees for a Financial Controller. position in South East London, and on 2016-10-11, for the vacant position of a Reactive Maintenance Administrator in South East London.
Considering the company's magnitude, it became necessary to formally appoint further directors, including: Manpreet B., Daisy H., Ali T. who have been cooperating for two years to exercise independent judgement of the following firm. Furthermore, the director's duties are often helped with by a secretary - Linda B., who was chosen by this firm on 20th November 2007.