NE20 9BD

Basic information

Northing 572873
Easting 416776
Grid Reference NZ167728
City/Town Newcastle Upon Tyne
Latitude 55.050077
Longitude -1.738962
Date Introduced 1980-01-01
County Tyne and Wear
The NE20 9BD postal code, introduced on 1980-01-01, can be found at 55.050077 latitude and -1.738962 longitude. The OS grid ref for the a.m. postal code is NZ167728 (416776,572873). There are 107 firms located under the a.m. postal code. The closest restaurant is called Ponteland Golf Club Restaurant and it is located 0.001 mile from the a.m. postal code. You can visit the most adjacent post office - Ponteland, situated under the following address: 36 Merton Way, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne And Wear. If you have to go to the closest bank, visit Lloyds Bank at 5 Main Street, only 0.168 mile away. When you feel like a takeaway, go for Ponteland Tandoori, the closest one within a distance of 0.19 mile. Ponteland Tandoori is situated under the following address: 11a Main Street. If you want to visit the most adjacent bar, its name is Ponteland Golf Club and it is situated under the following address: 53 Bell Villas. Ponteland Golf Club bar is only 0.001 mile from the a.m. postal code.

Banks nearby

Lloyds Bank 5 Main Street
Barclays Bank 4/6 Main Street
HSBC 19 Main Street
Barclays Bank Local - Ponteland
Barclays Bank 5 Belmont Cottages

Restaurants nearby

Ponteland Golf Club Restaurant 53 Bell Villas
Jan's Kitchen 13a Bell Villas
Yolo 9 Bell Villas
New Rendezvous 3-5 Bell Villas
Fratelli's Bell Villas

Takeaways nearby

Ponteland Tandoori 11a Main Street
Gills Golden Fish & Chips 19 Merton Road
Merton Way Chinese Takeaway 26 Merton Road
Lemon Grass Deli 40 Merton Road
Davidsons Bakery Skyway Filling Station

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Ponteland Golf Club 53 Bell Villas
The Diamond Inn Main Street
Seven Stars 21 Main Street
The Blackbird North Road
Ponteland Club & Institute Merton Way