Basic information

Northing 388094
Easting 360475
Grid Reference SJ604880
City/Town Warrington
Latitude 53.388201
Longitude -2.59575
Date Introduced 1980-01-01
County Cheshire
The WA1 1DN postcode, introduced on 1980-01-01, can be found at 53.388201 latitude and -2.59575 longitude. The OS grid reference for this postcode is SJ604880 (360475,388094). There are 274 businesses reported in this postcode. The closest restaurant is Bold Street House and it is placed 0.013 mile from this postcode. You can use the nearest post office - Warrington, situated under the following address: 18 The Mall, Cheshire. If you have to go to the closest bank, go to Natwest at Po Box 14, only 0.052 mile away. When you want to eat a takeaway, try Thai Food & Bakery, the closest one within a distance of 0.036 mile. Thai Food & Bakery is situated under the following address: 10 Bold Street. If you seek the nearest bar, its name is Warrington Club and it is situated under the following address: 7 Bold Street. Warrington Club bar is just 0.001 mile from this postcode.

Banks nearby

NatWest Po Box 14
Nationwide 22 Sankey Street
Barclays Bank Branch - Warrington
The Co-operative Bank 12-14 Old Market Place
Lloyds Bank Horsemarket Street

Restaurants nearby

Bold Street House
The Volstead
Liquor Library
Hop Co

Takeaways nearby

Thai Food & Bakery
MyLK Catering Ltd Pyramid
Culture Warrington
Flame Grill House 7 Friars Court

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Warrington Club
Apartment Bar
Hop & Co
The Brass Monkey
White Hart

The biggest companies: