Basic information

Northing 180435
Easting 529569
Grid Reference TQ295804
City/Town London
Latitude 51.507999
Longitude -0.134401
Date Introduced 1980-01-01
County London
The SW1Y 4JU post code, introduced on 1980-01-01, can be found at 51.507999 latitude and -0.134401 longitude. The OS grid reference for the a.m. post code is TQ295804 (529569,180435). There are 6208 businesses located within the a.m. post code. The closest restaurant is Naval & Military Club and it is located 0.021 mile from the a.m. post code. You can visit the closest post office - Lower Regent Street, located under the following address: 11 Lower Regent Street, Greater London. If you have to go to the closest bank, try Lloyds Bank at 1st Floor, only 0.021 mile away. When you need a takeaway, go for Vue Cinemas, the closest one within a distance of 0.03 mile. Vue Cinemas is located under the following address: 19 Regent Street. If you need the closest bar, its name is Three Crowns Public House and it is located under the following address: 19 Babmaes Street. Three Crowns Public House bar is only 0.053 mile from the a.m. post code.

Banks nearby

Lloyds Bank 1st Floor
Lloyds Bank 8-10 Waterloo Place
NatWest 208 Piccadilly
Virgin Money 1 Eagle Place
RBS 48 Haymarket

Restaurants nearby

Naval & Military Club 4 St James's Square
Shoryu Ramen 9 Regent Street
Costa Coffee 15 Regent Street
Milos British Columbia House
Smeg London 14 Regent Street

Takeaways nearby

Vue Cinemas 19 Regent Street
Eggrun 215 - 217 Piccadilly
Pret A Manger 3 Duke Of York Street
O'Ver St.James 1 Norris Street
BIKE-DROP 48 Haymarket

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Three Crowns Public House 19 Babmaes Street
Captains Cabin Public House 4-7 Norris Street
Red Lion Public House 2 Duke Of York Street
Her Majesty's Theatre Her Majestys Theatre
The Scotch Ground Floor

The biggest companies: