SS13 1BB

Basic information

Northing 189961
Easting 574146
Grid Reference TQ741899
City/Town Essex
Latitude 51.581602
Longitude 0.512053
Date Introduced 1984-10-01
County Essex County
The SS13 1BB postcode, introduced on 1984-10-01, can be found at 51.581602 latitude and 0.512053 longitude, in Essex County county. The OS grid reference for that postcode is TQ741899 (574146,189961). There are 131 companies reported within that postcode. The closest restaurant is Ripped Gym Basildon and it can be found 0.276 mile from that postcode. You can use the closest post office - Felmores End, situated at the following address: 8 Felmores End. If you have to go to the closest bank, visit Barclays Bank at 12 Broadway North, only 1.172 miles away. When you need a takeaway, try Pizza Time, the closest one within a distance of 0.285 mile. Pizza Time is situated at the following address: 2b Ridley Road. If you seek the closest bar, its name is The Mall Social Club and it is situated at the following address: Burnt Mills Road. The Mall Social Club bar is only 0.158 mile from that postcode.

Banks nearby

Barclays Bank 12 Broadway North
Barclays Bank 7 Honywood Road
NatWest 63 High Street
Lloyds Bank Wickford
Nationwide 43 High Street

Restaurants nearby

Ripped Gym Basildon
Burnt Mills Cafe
The Cafe Basildon The Cafe Courtauld House
Neschen Coating UK Limited Units
Partyman World

Takeaways nearby

Pizza Time
The Spice Express
Sunny House
Marathon Pizza & Mirchi Indian Takeaway

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

The Mall Social Club
Great Chalvedon Hall Great Chalvedon Hall
Bowers Utd Cafe Sports and Social Club Bowers United Sports And Social Club
Bowers Utd Sports & Social Club Bar Bowers United Sports And Social Club
Essex Diving Club The Under Water Studio

The biggest companies: